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Universal Principles That Will Guide Humanity in This Millennium: Changing Our Narrative as a Human Race - Neljor Sa

Universal Principles That Will Guide Humanity in This Millennium: Changing Our Narrative as a Human Race

1. The Life Within Collective Unity Consciousness: Oneness. The realization that we are one with all sentient beings and nature. That we experience the Planet Earth as a truly live entity: energy, behavior, memory and consciousness. In search of unity among communities, countries, and with all forms of life on this planet. The calculus of consent and welfare is to change now.

2. The Power of Citizenry. The most important component of human existence today is that we are a ‘human collective’ and not the arithmetic summation of individual persons. We all witness the power of citizenry. We are to self-realize the material and spiritual content of living as communities for a new and true planetary democracy.

3. The Richness of Love and Compassion. The energy foundation of the future of humanity is anchored in the great ability to become the other, without losing your own identity. Humanity will commence to intensively experience the most important attributes of key collective values that will guide human transformation and the transformation of all forms of life (e.g., respect, solidarity, caring, sharing, cooperation, interdependence, peace, security).

4. The Essence and Effectiveness of Our Inner Evolution. The moment has come to balance and harmonize the development of the outer ecology with the development of our inner ecology (the ecology of the self). In order to reach the highest levels of material and spiritual welfare. This is the path of transformation that goes beyond knowing, doing and having. This is the ecology of wisdom, being and becoming.

5. The Transforming Nature of a New Eco-Morality and Planetary Integrity. The road to the future of humanity must be paved by the morality of togetherness and mutual interdependence. To be driven by the exchange of me for the other. The morality that surges from meaningful interactions among all forms of life, and from the progressive elimination of material individualism.

6. The Healing of The Planet for World Everlasting Peace. We must restore the ecology of nature and reverse the existing destruction and loss in the quantity and quality of environmental goods and services (e.g., climate, biodiversity, oceans, mountains, rivers…). Healing the planet also means to heal ourselves; it is an act of inseparable mutuality. This calls for the immediate engagement and commitment to heal, heal, and heal.

7. The Power of Changing Economics, Social, Politics and Business. We are the architects of our own destiny and, thus, we are economy, politics… We are the producers, consumers, politicians, corporate managers… Two fundamental values must guide the future of humanity and all beings: transformation and care. We must move from purely market-based societies to societies that respect all forms of rights, including the rights of nature.

8. The Foundation of Conscious Planetary Leadership. The future rests on the creation and formation of “planetary beings”, who go far beyond their immediate personal space, culture and habits. Education and daily experience play a fundamental role. Now is the moment to create self-realized leaders whose only mission is the empowerment, welfare and self-realization of others.

9. The Establishment of New Planetary Institutions and Organizations. The planetary existence we experience today demands the creation of organizations and institutional arrangements which are truly planetary in nature. For the moment, the institutions we have are too countrybased-oriented in objectives, means and procedures. It is urgent to give rise to a “Planetary Citizens Organization”, whose life would reflect the empowerment and participation of citizens from all over the planet.

10. The Need for a New Form of Multilateralism. Today, we must acknowledge that the notion of Nation State is now being clearly eroded. And, this erosion has been accelerated by the communications revolution and the democratization in the access to information, platforms to dialogue and to daily decision making. The new multilateralism must go beyond nation states and include citizens, communities and civil society organizations.

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